Nanodevices group hosts Interfast and Sinfonia project meetings

Nanodevices group, lead by Luis Hueso, has hosted the INTERFAST and SINFONIA project meetings from 25 to 27 October 2023. NanoGUNE, with other European national institutes is a partner of both projects.

nanodevices meeting at the seminar room

The  nanodevices group is focused in electronic properties of systems in reduce dimensions and their research lines are articulated around different research themes: spintronics, multifunctional devices, and advance nanofabrication.  

The INTERFAST  H2020 FET-OPEN  project, gated INTERfaces for FAST for fast information processing, has as the objective to create gated interfaces for fast information processing laying the foundations for a fully innovative adaptable magnetic-based computing & sensing technology. 

The SINFONIA H2020 FET-OPEN project, selectively activated INFOrmation technology by hybrid Organic Interfaces, is an interdisciplinary research project that envisions a technology allowing to store and transport information on the nanometer length scale and at operational frequencies in the THz regime.