Registration & Scholarships

Registration to the Surfaces and Interfaces Summer School is now closed.

  • Regular registration period ended on 1 April 2017. The regular fee to register to the school was of 100€.
  • Post-deadline registration period ended on 31 May 2017. The post-deadline registration fee was of 200€.

Registration covers attendance to the school, coffee breaks and lunches during the school. The registration fee does not include accommodation and participants should make their own bookings separately. We strongly recommend to book accommodation as early as possible. San Sebastian is a popular tourist destination and the conference dates are high season for tourism. Some suggestions can be found in Accommodation.

Scholarships for PhD Students

Doctoral students with financial difficulties to participate in the school will be eligible for 10 scholarships that will cover the registration fee, accommodation and travel costs.

The doctorate students of the ITN Thinface project will not be eligible for this grants.

The eligible candidates will have to specify that they would like to request a scholarship in the abstract submission form (deadline 28 February), and will have to add their CV.