Venue & Accommodation


The Summer School will be held at Miramar Palace.

How to get by air

Within a radius of barely 100 kilometres around San Sebastian there are three airports.

San Sebastian airport is 20 minutes from the city center. It has shuttle flights to the main Spanish cities, Madrid, and Barcelona.

Not far away are the airports of Bilbao, connected to the whole of Europe, and Biarritz, served by French, international, and low-cost airlines.

Getting to San Sebastian by taxi could cost approximately 160 euros from Bilbao Airport, 105 euros from Biarritz Airport, and 45 euros from San Sebastian Airport.

How to get by train

Situated right in the center of the city, San Sebastian’s train station, known as the Northern Station, is connected to a large number of Spanish cities, including Madrid and Barcelona, and also to Paris and Lisbon. There is also a high-speed train connection (TGV) between Paris and Hendaye.

How to get by car

Getting to San Sebastian by car is very simple. The city is connected to Spanish and French cities by the National Road N1/AP1 (Madrid-Irún), the A-8 (Bilbao-Irún), and A-63 (Paris-Irún) motorways, and the A-15 trunk road (Pamplona-San Sebastian). Nearly all areas of the city can be accessed through one of these highways.


All participants have to pay their accommodation by themselves.

Here you will find some lodging options available near the Lecture Hall. For more information about accommodation and the city of San Sebastian, you can visit the official website of the Turism & Convention Bureau.  


Colegio Mayor Olarain*

Residencia Manuel Agud Querol*


Hotel Costa Vasca

Hotel Codina

Hotel NH Aranzazu