

      ISTORIO ASKO SARTZEN DIRA NANOMUNDUAN, KONTATU!  Lehen aldiz Euskal Herrian, CIC nanoGUNE Ikerketa Zentroak Nanoistorio lehiaketaren eskualdeko fasea antolatzen du, "10alamenos9" nazioarteko…
  • Pint of Science 2022

    The Pint of Science 2022 science outreach festival returns to the bars on May 9, 10 and 11. This year Donostia is hosting 26 lectures with 31 scientists in four local bars.  Diogo Vaz, postdoctoral…
  • Pint of Science 2022

    The Pint of Science 2022 science outreach festival returns to the bars on May 9, 10 and 11. This year Donostia is hosting 26 lectures with 31 scientists in four local bars.  Diogo Vaz, postdoctoral…
  • Pint of Science 2022

    The Pint of Science 2022 science outreach festival returns to the bars on May 9, 10 and 11. This year Donostia is hosting 26 lectures with 31 scientists in four local bars.  Diogo Vaz, postdoctoral…

      ISTORIO ASKO SARTZEN DIRA NANOMUNDUAN, KONTATU!  Lehen aldiz Euskal Herrian, CIC nanoGUNE Ikerketa Zentroak Nanoistorio lehiaketaren eskualdeko fasea antolatzen du, "10alamenos9" nazioarteko…
  • Tech Transfer Event for Advanced Materials companies

    Within the INAM network, and in collaboration with Fraunhofer Venture, we have set up a Tech Transfer event to deal with the specific topics that Advanced Materials companies face issues with. The…
  • Zientzia bada nesken kontua

    nanoGUNE / POLYMAT, Donostia / San Sebastián Zentro desberdinetako ikertzaileek gidatuta, 14 – 18 urte bitarteko neskei zuzendutako tailer esklusibo honetan, parte-hartzaileak “egun batez…
  • Emakumeak Zientzian - School visit

    School visit and workshop in the framework of the Emakumeak Zientzian (Women in Science) program of activities. 
  • nanoGUNE Winter School 2022

    IMAGE credits: Photo by Jonathan Knepper on Unsplash   Overview The nanoGUNE cooperative research center holds the third edition of its Winter School, where a selected international group of…
  • nanoGUNE Winter School 2022

    IMAGE credits: Photo by Jonathan Knepper on Unsplash   Overview The nanoGUNE cooperative research center holds the third edition of its Winter School, where a selected international group of…
