Nanodevices Equipment
The nanodevices group has access to nanoGUNE's common cleanroom equipment devoted to nanofabrication. In adittion, we have some equipment specially dedicated to our research lines.
Ion Beam Etcher (4Wave)
Quantum Design SQUID-VSM EverCool
Atomic-Force Microscope (AFM 5500 Agilent/Nano observer CSI Instruments)
X-ray reflectivity/diffractometry (X'pert PRO by PANalytical)
Quantum Design PPMS
UHV Sputtering System (AJA Int.)
Oerlikon - UNIVEX 350 / EPVD75 Kurt J. Lesker
Electron-Beam Lithography (Raith -150-TWO / E-line)
Dual-beam FIB/SEM - FEI Helios Nanolab / FEI Helios 450S
Environmental Scanning-electron Microscope (eSEM-FEI Quanta 250)
Reactive ion etcher (RIE Oxford Plasmalab 80 Plus)
Four point probe
Mask aligner (EVG)